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1. Can I apply for a visa at the Department of foreign relations?
No applying for visas take place at the Department of Foreign Relations.

2. Does the the Department of Foreign Relations offer passport services?
 No passport services are offered at the Department of Foreign Relations.

3. How do I search for treaties / what treaties apply to Sint Maarten?
  • First you would need to know if Sint Maarten is party to a treaty. Sint Maarten is party to many treaties and all treaties that used to be applicable for Netherlands Antilles still apply to Sint Maarten after the dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles in 10-10-10.
  • To find out if Sint Maarten is party to a treaty go to if you want to search in English or for a Dutch search go to
  • By the search space you can enter any word in the title of the treaty or go to advanced search and indicated more information to find the treaty.
  • The search results will show 4 sections:
a. treaty data (date of conclusion, entry into force etc)
b. Kingdom of the Netherlands. Here you can see if Sint Maarten is party to the treaty. Please note that if the entry into force date say 10-10-10 it means it’s in force for Sint Maarten but tThis is not the date that it came into force officially. It only indicates the date when it is for Sint Maarten where before it was Netherlands Antilles.
c. Parties (these are all the ot​​​​her parties)
d. Child treaties. This means all the other corresponding treaties and protocols.