The Official Website
Government of Sint Maarten
Have you registered your business? Now the business requires an operational license to operate legally on island. The following information is required to start the filling process.
The processing fee of Naf 450.00 includes -Ang 300.00 for publication and Ang 150.00 for handling and inspection charges: Advice is sought from the following departments: Inspectorate of Public Health, Fire Department and Department of Inspection TEATT. Kindly be informed that the applicant must submit the request to the afore-mentioned departments for the necessary inspections to be conducted. A report will be provided to the applicant by these departments once the necessary inspections are completed. The applicant must submit the original application request for the operational license and ALL THREE (3) reports, obtained from the departments mentioned above, to the Dept. of Economic Licenses for processing. The application is publicized in one or more of the local daily newspapers. The request will be put on public review for two weeks: During this period objection can be submitted against the issuance of the requested license. If objections are submitted, these objections will be investigated. The Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication will take a decision: If the license is denied, appeal can be filed with the Minister of Tourism Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication or at the Court of First Instance within 6 weeks of receipt of the decision. The Minister will ultimately decide
Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication
Department of Economic Licenses
Yes - Make Appointment
To the Government Administration Building
A total processing fee of Ang. 450.00 per request is paid at time of submission Annual fees Restaurant A Ang. 2,520.00 Restaurant B Ang. 2,400.00 Koffiehuis (Cofeehopuse) Retail of alcoholic beverages to be consumed on location/elsewhere Ang. 2,000.00 Slijterij Retail of alcoholic beverages to be consumed elsewhere Ang. 3,000.00 Grossiers Whole Sale of alcoholic beverages Ang. 2,400.00 Societieit Members of Organization/Guests Ang. 1,200.00 Bierhuis Light Alcoholic alcohol beverages Ang. 900.00 Other Licenses Ijshuis Sale of Ice cream or related consumption Ang. 1,400.00 Extended closing hours Ang. 600.00 Music in Public areas Ang. 500.00
Minimum 6 Weeks